Talk crypto to me

Talk crypto to me

Recuerdo mi colección de libros de Julio Verne, de pequeño los leía y me imaginaba cómo sería vivir una aventura así. El hecho de que ya no quedase más “mundo” por descubrir, no evitaba que me preguntase si algún día viviría yo algo parecido. Me encantan las historias...
Travel Sector: 2020

Travel Sector: 2020

If there is a sector where you don’t want to be invested in 2020 that is the travel sector. If by any chance you do, I would consider to EXIT ASAP. This is gonna take longer to recover than most people think. To the continuous destruction of value and successive...
After Berlin

After Berlin

Sometimes after tooking a flight I’ve said that I had the feeling of being time traveling. That feeling doesn’t usually last long, it stays with me for some time after landing and then it fades away. But this time was different. Monday February 24th I woke...