We will provide to clients

Main Services

* Training services are available for individuals and businesses, online and offline. Contact for more information on topics and schedules.

** E-Learning is only available on the platform.

· PMOaaS

· IT Governance

· IT Procurement

· Benchmarking

· Agile implementation


· Portfolio Design

· Wealth Management

· F.I.R.E.

· Real State Purchase Advice

· Business Valuation

· Crypto Strategy & Deep Analysis

· Agile Mindset

· Social Media Strategy: Facebook & Instagram

· From OKRs to GTD to KPIs

· Cybersecurity 101

· Stock Investing MasterClass

· Crypto as an asset class

· E-Learning


Portfolio Design

Our specialty. For us an investment portfolio is like a tailored suit, there is no such thing as one size fits all. We will design and build yours.

True Diversification

Asset classes. TIME. Sectors. WEIGHTS. Style. BEHAVIOR.

Tax Efficiency

Along with the cost efficiency, starting with the right fiscal strategy makes a difference, one that gets greater over time.

PMO Building

We will start by asking the right questions. Have the diagnosis. What phase are we in and what are the most appropriate processes.

IT Governance

Improving the overall management of IT and deriving improved value from investment in information and technology.

Continuous Improvement

Having the ability to manage projects in an integrated way to achieve the objectives of the organization.

About US

An independent consulting firm, formed by professionals with the aim of helping companies to be more competitive and people to be freer.


© 2020 Federico Carretero.